Manual for OpenFLUID 2.1.10

Environment variables and command line usage

Table of Contents

Environment variables

The OpenFLUID framework takes into account the following environment variables (if they are set in the current running environment):

The path are separated by colon on UNIX systems, and by semicolon on Windows systems.

Command line usage

Usage : openfluid [<command>] [<options>] [<args>]

Available commands:

Available options:

Running simulations

Run a simulation from a project or an input dataset.

Usage : openfluid run [<options>] [<args>]

Available options:

Example of running a simulation from an input dataset:

openfluid run /path/to/dataset /path/to/results

Example of running a simulation from a project:

openfluid run /path/to/project

Wares reporting

Display informations about available wares

Usage : openfluid report [<options>] [<args>]

Available options:

Example of detailed reporting about available simulators:

openfluid report simulators

Example of reporting as a list about available observers:

openfluid report observers --list


Show search paths for wares

Usage : openfluid show-paths [<options>] [<args>]

Available options:


Execute a buddy. Available buddies are newsim, newdata, sim2doc, examples

Usage : openfluid buddy [<options>] [<args>]

Available options: