Manual for OpenFLUID 2.1.10

Structure of an OpenFLUID project

An OpenFLUID project can be run using any of the OpenFLUID programs such as openfluid command line, OpenFLUID Builder or ROpenFLUID.

As an example example, to run a simulation based on the the project located in /absolute/path/to/workdir/a_dummy_project using the openfluid command line program, the command to use is:

openfluid run /absolute/path/to/workdir/a_dummy_project

An OpenFLUID project is made of a directory which includes:

The openfluid-project.conf contains the name of the project, the description, the authors, the creation date, the date of the latest modification, and a flag for incremental output directory (this feature is currently disabled).

[OpenFLUID Project]
Name=a dummy project
Authors=John Doe

The openfluid-project.conf may also contain contextual informations added by OpenFLUID software applications such as OpenFLUID-Builder. These informations can be colors of shapes in map view, placement of models in model view, ...