Manual for OpenFLUID 2.1.10

String representation of values

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OpenFLUID values can be converted into strings, using the following representations

Simple values

Representation of simple values is trivial. In OpenFLUID, it is based on classical string representations.


Values of BooleanValue type are converted into the true or false string.


Values of IntegerValue type are converted into their textual representation. As an example, the value 192 will be converted to the 192 string.


Values of DoubleValue type are converted into their textual representation. As an example, the value 17.37 will be converted to the 17.37 string.


Since values of StringValue type are natively stored as string, they are not converted and represented as they are.

Compound values

Representation of compound values requires a more complex representation schema. In OpenFLUID, it is based on the JSON data format without any space or newline.


Values of VectorValue type are converted using the JSON notation for vectors which is a comma separated list of values enclosed by an opening square bracket and a closing square bracket.

As an example, the following vector

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} 1.5 & 19.6 & 0.005 & 1.0 & 258.99 \end{array} \right]\]

will be converted into the [1.5,19.6,0.005,1.0,258.99] string.


Values of MatrixValue type are converted using the JSON notation for matrix which are considered as a vector of vector(s).

As an example, the following matrix

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1.5 & 19.6 & 0.005 \\ 2.0 & 1.0 & 258.99 \end{array} \right]\]

will be converted into the [[1.5,19.6,0.005],[2.0,1.0,258.99]] string.


Values of MapValue type are converted using the JSON notation for objects which is a comma separated key-value list enclosed by an opening curly bracket and a closing curly bracket.

As an example, the following map

\[ \left \{ \begin{array}{rcl} key1 & = & 0.005 \\ key2 & = & "a\ word" \\ key3 & = & \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} 1.5 & 19.6 & 0.005 & 1.0 & 258.99 \end{array} \right] \end{array} \right . \]

will be converted into the {"key1":0.005,"key2":"a word","key3":[1.5,19.6,0.005,1.0,258.99]} string.