File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
openfluid-base.hHeader for inclusion of openfluid::base part
openfluid-core.hHeader for inclusion of openfluid::core part
openfluid-tools.hHeader for inclusion of openfluid::tools part
base/ExecMsgs.hHeader of class managing execution messages
base/FunctionEnv.hHeader of function environment management class
base/PlugFunction.hHeader of generic pluggable function interface definition
base/SIFactors.hHeader containing factors for values conversion
base/SimStatus.hHeader of simulation status management class
core/CoreRepository.hHeader of ..
core/DateTime.hHeader of date-time management class
core/DistributedEvent.hHeader of distributed event definition class
core/EventCollection.hHeader of distributed event collection management class
core/GroundwaterUnit.hHeader of GHU management class
core/SpatialRepository.hHeader of management class for spatial objects and data
core/TypeDefs.hHeader of data types definition
core/ValueFactory.hHeader of ValueFactory class
tools/ColTextParser.hHeader of column file parser
tools/FortranCPP.hHeader for macros to call fortran code
tools/Tools.hCommon super class dor openfluid-tools classes

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