General information

General organization

The OpenFLUID-engine library features are gathered together into the openfluid namespace, which is splitted into three parts:

This library mainly rely on three external libraries:



Plug-in/kernel software architecture

The Openfluid-engine provides a plugin interface for creating functions that can be handled by the kernel.
This involves the following classes and structures:

Spatio-temporal data structure

In order to store and manage all the data handled to represent the spatial domain and the simulation information, the OpenFLUID-engine library defines a data structure for spatio-temporal data management.
This involves the following class:

Simulation data types and structure

The simulation variables can be scalar data (a double precision floating value) or vector data (vector of double precision floating values). A date is associated to each value of simulation variables. This involves the following classes and structures:

Simulation data types and structure

Simulation functions can handle discrete events, associated to homogeneous units. This involves the following classes and structures:


This involves the following classes and functions:

The FortranCPP.h header file make Fortran code encapsulation (into simulation functions) easier.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

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