openfluid::core Namespace Reference


class  DateTime
 Class for management of date and time information. More...
class  Event
 Class defining a discrete event, including attached information. More...
class  EventsCollection
 Class defining a collection of discrete events. More...
class  Unit
class  Vector


typedef unsigned long long rawtime_t
typedef unsigned int UnitID_t
typedef int PcsOrd_t
typedef std::string UnitClass_t
typedef std::string InputDataName_t
typedef std::string VariableName_t
typedef unsigned int TimeStep_t
typedef double ScalarValue
typedef Vector< ScalarValueVectorValue
typedef std::vector< ScalarValueSerieOfScalarValue
typedef std::vector< VectorValueSerieOfVectorValue
typedef std::map
< FuncParamKey_t,
FuncParamValue_t > 
typedef std::map< UnitID_t, float > IDFloatMap
typedef std::map< UnitID_t,
double > 
typedef std::map< UnitID_t,
typedef std::map< UnitID_t, int > IDIntMap
typedef std::map< UnitID_t, bool > IDBoolMap
typedef std::map< UnitID_t,
typedef std::map< UnitID_t,
VectorValue * > 
typedef std::map< UnitClass_t,
UnitsCollection > 
typedef std::list< Unit * > UnitsPtrList_t
typedef std::map< UnitClass_t,
typedef std::list< UnitUnitsList_t

Detailed Description

Data structures for shared information management

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<FuncParamKey_t,FuncParamValue_t> openfluid::core::FuncParamsMap_t

Hash table for parameters (distributed properties, distributed initial conditions, ...)

typedef std::map<UnitID_t,bool> openfluid::core::IDBoolMap

Map associating a boolean value to a unit, indexed by its ID

typedef std::map<UnitID_t,double> openfluid::core::IDDoubleMap

Map associating a double precision value to a unit, indexed by its ID

typedef std::map<UnitID_t,float> openfluid::core::IDFloatMap

Map associating a float value to a unit, indexed by its ID

typedef std::map<UnitID_t,int> openfluid::core::IDIntMap

Map associating an integer value to a unit, indexed by its ID

Map associating an openfluid::core::ScalarValue value to a unit, indexed by its ID

Map associating an openfluid::core::VectorValue value to a unit, indexed by its ID

Map associating a pointer to an openfluid::core::VectorValue value to a unit, indexed by its ID

typedef std::string openfluid::core::InputDataName_t

Type definition for name of input data

Type for a map associating a unit class to a list of pointers on Unit

Type definition for the process order of units

typedef unsigned long long openfluid::core::rawtime_t

Type for raw time (seconds since 4713BC)

Type definition for scalar values

Type definition for a time serie of scalar values

Type definition for a time serie of vectorvalues

typedef unsigned int openfluid::core::TimeStep_t

Type definition for a time step value

typedef std::string openfluid::core::UnitClass_t

Type definition for the class of units

typedef unsigned int openfluid::core::UnitID_t

Type definition for the ID of units

typedef std::list<Unit> openfluid::core::UnitsList_t

Type definition for a list of units

typedef std::map<UnitClass_t,UnitsCollection> openfluid::core::UnitsListByClassMap_t

Type for a hashmap of lists of units, indexed by UnitClass

Type for a list of pointers on Unit

typedef std::string openfluid::core::VariableName_t

Type definition for name of a variable

Type definition for vector values. This type is based on the openfluid::core::Vector template.

See also:

usage examples:

  // create an empty vector
  openfluid::core::VectorValue TmpValue;

  // give a size of 10 to this vector
  TmpValue = openfluid::core::VectorValue(10);

  // give a size of 10 to this vector and fill it with a value of2
  TmpValue = openfluid::core::VectorValue(10,2);

  // read the value at index 6 in put it in a variable MyVar
  MyVar = TmpValue[6];
  // or
  MyVar =;

  // set or modify the value 15 at index 3
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