Manual for OpenFLUID 2.1.11

Format of input datasets

The FluidX file format is used to define a simulation dataset. An OpenFLUID input dataset includes different informations, defined in one or many files:

  • the coupled model definition
  • the spatial domain definition, including spatial connectivity, attributes and events
  • the datastore content
  • the monitoring configuration
  • the run configuration

All files must be placed into a directory that can be reached by the OpenFLUID program used. As OpenFLUID-Builder uses the FluidX format natively, the entire input dataset can be created through the OpenFLUID-Builder software. Out of OpenFLUID-Builder, these FluidX files can be created by hand or using external tools : R, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Text editors, ...


The FluidX file format is an XML based format defined for OpenFLUID input datasets. An OpenFLUID dataset can be provided by a one or many files using this FluidX format. The file (s) name(s) must use the .fluidx file extension.

Whatever the input information is put into one or many files, the following sections must be defined in the input file(s) set:

  • The model section defined by the <model> tag
  • The spatial domain section defined by the <domain> tag
  • The datastore section defined by the <datastore> tag
  • The monitoring section defined by the <monitoring> tag
  • The run section defined by the <run> tag

The order of these sections is not significant. All of these sections must be inclosed into an openfluid section defined by the <openfluid> tag.

Summary view of the XML structure of FluidX files:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
// here is the model definition
// here is the spatial domain definition
// with connectivity, attributes and events
// here is the datastore content
// here is the monitoring definition
// here is the run configuration


Model section

The coupled model is defined by an ordered set of simulators and/or data generators that will be automatically plugged in and run by the OpenFLUID environment. It can also include a section for global parameters which apply to all simulators and generators. The global parameters may be overridden by local parameters of simulators or generators.

The coupled model must be defined in a section delimited by the <model> tag, and must be structured following these rules:

  • Inside the <model> tag, there must be a set made of at least one <simulator> or <generator> tags, and an optional <gparams> tag.
  • Each <simulator> tag must bring an ID attribute giving the identifier of the simulator; the value of the ID attribute must match the ID of an available and pluggable simulator. It also brings an enabled tag giving the active state of the simulator (if missing, default value is 1 for active).
  • Each <simulator> tag may include zero to many <param> tags giving parameters to the simulator. Each <param> tag must bring a name attribute giving the name of the parameter and a value attribute giving the value of the parameter.
  • Each <generator> tag must bring a varname attribute giving the name of the produced variable, a unitsclass attribute giving the unit class of the produced variable, a method attribute giving the method used to produce the variable (fixed for constant value, random for random value in a range, interp for a time-interpolated value from given data series, inject for an injected value -no time interpolation- from given data series). An optional <varsize> attribute can be set in order to produce a vector variable instead of a scalar variable. It also brings an enabled tag giving the active state of the simulator (if missing, default value is 1 for active).
  • Each <generator> tag may include zero to many <param> tags giving parameters to the generator. Each <param> tag must bring a name attribute giving the name of the parameter and a value attribute giving the value of the parameter.
  • A generator using the fixed method must provide a parameter named fixedvalue for the value to produce.
  • A generator using the random method must provide a parameter named min and a parameter named max delimiting the random range for the value to produce.
  • A generator using the inject or interp method must provide a parameter named sources giving the data sources filename and a param named distribution giving the distribution filename for the value to produce (see also File formats for generators).
  • Each <gparams> tag may include zero to many <param> tags giving the global parameters. Each <param> tag must bring a name attribute giving the name of the parameter and a value attribute giving the value of the parameter.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<param name="gparam1" value="100" />
<param name="gparam2" value="0.1" />
<simulator ID="example.simulatorA" enabled="1" />
<generator varname="example.generator.fixed" unitsclass="EU1"
method="fixed" varsize="11" enabled="1">
<param name="fixedvalue" value="20" />
<generator varname="example.generator.random" unitsclass="EU2" method="random" enabled="1">
<param name="min" value="20.53" />
<param name="max" value="50" />
<simulator ID="example.simulatorB" enabled="0">
<param name="param1" value="strvalue" />
<param name="param2" value="1.1" />
<param name="gparam1" value="50" />
There must be only one model definition in the input dataset.
The order of the simulators and data generators in the <model> section is important : this order will be the call order at initialization time and during simulations in synchronized coupled model (not applicable for variable time coupled models)

Spatial domain section

Definition and connectivity

The spatial domain is defined by a set of spatial units that are connected each others. These spatial units are defined by a numerical identifier (ID) and a class. They also include informations about the processing order of the unit in the class. Each unit can be connected to zero or many other units from the same or a different unit class. The spatial domain definition must be defined in a section delimited by the <definition> tag, which is a sub-section of the <domain> tag, and must be structured following these rules:

  • Inside the <definition> tag, there must be a set of <unit> tags
  • Each <unit> tag must bring an ID attribute giving the identifier of the unit, a class attribute giving the class of the unit, a pcsorder attribute giving the process order in the class of the unit
  • Each <unit> tag may include zero or many <to> tags giving the to connections to other units. Each <to> tag must bring an ID attribute giving the identifier of the connected unit and a class attribute giving the class of the connected unit
  • Each <unit> tag may include zero or many <childof> tags giving the child-parent connections to other units. Each <childof> tag must bring an ID attribute giving the identifier of the parent unit and a class attribute giving the class of the parent unit
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<unit class="PU" ID="1" pcsorder="1" />
<unit class="EU1" ID="3" pcsorder="1">
<to class="EU1" ID="11" />
<childof class="PU" ID="1" />
<unit class="EU1" ID="11" pcsorder="3">
<to class="EU2" ID="2" />
<unit class="EU2" ID="2" pcsorder="1" />


The spatial attributes are static data associated to each spatial unit, usually properties and initial conditions.
The spatial domain attributes must be defined in a section delimited by the <attributes> tag, which is a sub-section of the <domain> tag, and must be structured following these rules:

  • The <attributes> tag must bring an unitsclass attribute giving the unit class to which the attributes must be attached, and a colorder attribute giving the order of the contained column-formatted data
  • Inside the <attributes> tag, there must be the attributes as row-column text. As a rule, the first column is the ID of the unit in the class given through the unitsclass attribute of <attributes> tag, the following columns are values following the column order given through the colorder attribute of the <attributes> tag. Values for the data can be double, integer, boolean, string, vector, matrix or map formatted as strings (see part String representation of values).
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<attributes unitsclass="EU1" colorder="indataA">
3 1.1
11 7.5
<attributes unitsclass="EU2" colorder="indataB1;indataB3">

Discrete events

The discrete events are events occurring on units, and can be processed by simulators. The spatial events must be defined in a section delimited by the <calendar> tag, which is a sub-section of the <domain> tag, and must be structured following these rules:

  • Inside the <calendar> tag, there must be a set of <event> tags
  • Each <event> tag must bring an unitID and an unitsclass attribute giving the unit on which occurs the event, a date attribute giving the date and time of the event. The date format must be "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss".
  • Each <event> tag may include zero to many <info> tags.
  • Each <info> tag give information about the event and must bring a key attribute giving the name (the "key") of the info, and a value attribute giving the value for this key.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<event unitsclass="EU1" unitID="11" date="1999-12-31 23:59:59">
<info key="when" value="before" />
<info key="where" value="1" />
<info key="var1" value="1.13" />
<info key="var2" value="EADGBE" />
<event unitsclass="EU2" unitID="3" date="2000-02-05 12:37:51">
<info key="var3" value="152.27" />
<info key="var4" value="XYZ" />
<event unitsclass="EU1" unitID="11" date="2000-02-25 12:00:00">
<info key="var1" value="1.15" />
<info key="var2" value="EADG" />

Datastore section

The datastore lists external data which is available during the simulation. The datastore content must be defined in a section delimited by the <datastore> tag, and must be structured following these rules:

  • Inside the <datastore> tag, there must be a set of <dataitem> tags
  • Each <dataitem> tag must bring an ID attribute giving the unique identifier of the dataitem, a type attribute giving the type of the dataitem (only the geovector and georaster types are currently available), and a source attribute giving the source of the dataitem. An optional unitsclass attribute is possible for giving the spatial unit class associated to the data.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<dataitem id="TUlayer" type="geovector" source="TestUnits_wgs84.shp"
unitsclass="TestUnits" />
<dataitem id="Ground" type="geovector" source="data/ground.shp" />
<dataitem id="Ground" type="georaster" source="data/DEM.tiff" />

Monitoring section

The monitoring is defined by a set of observers that will be automatically plugged and executed by the OpenFLUID environment. Observers are usually used for exporting formatted data from the simulation or performs continuous control during the simulation.

OpenFLUID provides observers for exporting data to CSV formatted files, KML formatted files (for use with Google Earth), and DOT formatted files (for graph representations).

The monitoring must be defined in a section delimited by the <monitoring> tag, and must be structured following these rules:

  • Inside the <monitoring> tag, there may be a set of <observer> tags
  • Each <observer> tag must bring an ID attribute giving the identifier of the observer; the value of the ID attribute must match the ID of an available and pluggable observer. It also brings an enabled tag giving the active state of the simulator (if missing, default value is 1 for active).
  • Each <observer> tag may include zero to many <param> tags giving parameters to the observer. Each <param> tag must bring a name attribute giving the name of the parameter and a value attribute giving the value of the parameter.
Refer to observers signatures for details about specific parameters for each observer.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<observer ID="export.vars.files.csv" enabled="1">
<param name="format.f1.header" value="colnames-as-comment" />
<param name="" value="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" />
<param name="format.f1.precision" value="8" />
<param name="format.f2.header" value="full" />
<param name="set.s1.unitsclass" value="TestUnits" />
<param name="set.s1.unitsIDs" value="*" />
<param name="set.s1.vars" value="*" />
<param name="set.s1.format" value="f1" />
<param name="set.s2.unitsclass" value="TestUnits" />
<param name="set.s2.unitsIDs" value="5;3;11" />
<param name="set.s2.vars" value="tests.double;tests.string" />
<param name="set.s2.format" value="f2" />
<observer ID="export.vars.files.kml-anim" enabled="1">
<param name="layers.anim.unitsclass" value="TestUnits" />
<param name="layers.anim.varname" value="tests.double" />
<param name="layers.anim.sourcetype" value="file" />
<param name="layers.anim.sourcefile" value="TestUnits_wgs84.shp" />
<param name="layers.anim.linewidth" value="4" />
<param name="layers.anim.colorscale"
<param name="layers.static.1.unitsclass" value="OtherUnits" />
<param name="layers.static.1.sourcetype" value="file" />
<param name="layers.static.1.sourcefile" value="OtherUnits_wgs84.shp" />
<param name="layers.static.1.linewidth" value="3" />
<param name="layers.static.1.color" value="ffffffff" />
There must be only one monitoring definition in the input dataset.

Run configuration section

The configuration of the simulation gives the simulation period, the default coupling time step and the optional coupling constraint. The run configuration must be defined in a section delimited by the <run> tag, and must be structured following these rules:

  • Inside the <run> tag, there must be a <scheduling> tag giving the scheduling informations of the model coupling.
  • The <scheduling> tag must bring a deltat attribute giving the number of second for the default DeltaT time step, and a constraint attribute giving an optional constraint applied to the coupling. The values for the constraint attribute can be none for no constraint, dt-checked to check that coupling is synchronized with the default DeltaT time step, dt-forced to force coupling at the default DeltaT time step ignoring the scheduling requests from simulators or generators.
  • Inside the <run> tag, there must be a <period> tag giving the simulation period.
  • The <period> tag must bring a begin and an end attributes, giving the dates of the beginning and the end of the simulation period. The date format for these attributes must be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  • Inside the <run> tag, there may be a <valuesbuffer> tag for the number of produced values kept in memory. The number of values is given through a size attribute. If not present, all values are kept in memory.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<scheduling deltat="3600" constraint="none" />
<period begin="2000-01-01 00:00:00" end="2000-06-30 23:59:00" />
<valuesbuffer size="10" />

Runtime variables in parameters

Parameters of simulators and observers can include variables that will be replaced by corresponding values at runtime. These variables are :

  • ${dir.input} is replaced by the complete path to the input dataset directory
  • ${dir.output} is replaced by the complete path to the output results directory
  • ${dir.temp} is replaced by the complete path to the directory dedicated to temporary files
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<param name="globaldata" value="${dir.input}/data/global" />
<simulator ID="example.simulatorA" >
<param name="temppath" value="${dir.temp}/simA" />

Example of an input dataset as a single FluidX file

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<param name="gparam1" value="100" />
<param name="gparam2" value="0.1" />
<simulator fileID="example.simulatorA" enabled="1"/>
<generator varname="example.generator.fixed" unitsclass="EU1"
method="fixed" varsize="11" enabled="1">
<param name="fixedvalue" value="20" />
<generator varname="example.generator.random" unitsclass="EU2"
method="random" enabled="1">
<param name="min" value="20.53" />
<param name="max" value="50" />
<simulator fileID="example.simulatorB" enabled="0">
<param name="param1" value="strvalue" />
<param name="param2" value="1.1" />
<param name="gparam1" value="50" />
<unit class="PU" ID="1" pcsorder="1" />
<unit class="EU1" ID="3" pcsorder="1">
<to class="EU1" ID="11" />
<childof class="PU" ID="1" />
<unit class="EU1" ID="11" pcsorder="3">
<to class="EU2" ID="2" />
<unit class="EU2" ID="2" pcsorder="1" />
<attributes unitsclass="EU1" colorder="indataA">
3 1.1
11 7.5
<attributes unitsclass="EU2" colorder="indataB1;indataB3">
<event unitsclass="EU1" unitID="11" date="1999-12-31 23:59:59">
<info key="when" value="before" />
<info key="where" value="1" />
<info key="var1" value="1.13" />
<info key="var2" value="EADGBE" />
<event unitsclass="EU2" unitID="3" date="2000-02-05 12:37:51">
<info key="var3" value="152.27" />
<info key="var4" value="XYZ" />
<event unitsclass="EU1" unitID="11" date="2000-02-25 12:00:00">
<info key="var1" value="1.15" />
<info key="var2" value="EADG" />
<scheduling deltat="3600" constraint="none" />
<period begin="2000-01-01 00:00:00" end="2000-06-30 23:59:00" />
<valuesbuffer size="10" />
<observer ID="export.vars.files.csv" enabled="1">
<param name="format.f1.header" value="colnames-as-comment" />
<param name="" value="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" />
<param name="format.f1.precision" value="8" />
<param name="format.f2.header" value="full" />
<param name="set.s1.unitsclass" value="TestUnits" />
<param name="set.s1.unitsIDs" value="*" />
<param name="set.s1.vars" value="*" />
<param name="set.s1.format" value="f1" />
<param name="set.s2.unitsclass" value="TestUnits" />
<param name="set.s2.unitsIDs" value="5;3;11" />
<param name="set.s2.vars" value="tests.double;tests.string" />
<param name="set.s2.format" value="f2" />
<observer ID="export.vars.files.kml-anim" enabled="1">
<param name="layers.anim.unitsclass" value="TestUnits" />
<param name="layers.anim.varname" value="tests.double" />
<param name="layers.anim.sourcetype" value="file" />
<param name="layers.anim.sourcefile" value="TestUnits_wgs84.shp" />
<param name="layers.anim.linewidth" value="4" />
<param name="layers.anim.colorscale"
<param name="layers.static.1.unitsclass" value="OtherUnits" />
<param name="layers.static.1.sourcetype" value="file" />
<param name="layers.static.1.sourcefile" value="OtherUnits_wgs84.shp" />
<param name="layers.static.1.linewidth" value="3" />
<param name="layers.static.1.color" value="ffffffff" />